Monday, November 06, 2006

I love walking in the rain, because nobody can see me crying

This Quote here is supposedly by Charlie Chaplin. But really it has a great amount of meaning to it. It explains how people hide their feelings inside them even thought they look pretty well normal on the outside.

Some say this practice of hiding ones' feeling will lead to psychological problems, but one cant go and tell his problems and express his feelings to everyone he/she sees or knows. But given that, one can also not hide his/her feelings and troubles forever. There is got to be the one person, with whom they can share it and that one should be someone they should be able to trust.

This one person is different at various stages of life. When you are young, it could be your parents or friends, and after a certain age, friend always comes first and then maybe parents!! Later it is the spouse. This could be different, though itz the same for most people.

But, such a statement, coming from a person like Charlie Chaplin, who made the world laugh, only underscores the fact that whoever you are and whatever the calibre of your personality, you are still haunted by your own problems. They may be big or small. But thats the fact.

You can't hide you tears forever in the rain because the rain is bound to stop at one point and everyone is indeed going to see your tears, so better think of a solution for your problems, rather than crying over them.

Here I am.. Finally.. At last..

Here it is.. My first step.. I have been quite impressed by the blogs for quite sometime now. . Have been following quite a few i must say, and have been wanting to start my very own one for a long time.

But, as u all know quite well, the first step is the hardest. Like a small child, which takes its first step, I hav taken my first step today (7-11-2006 7:45 AM IST). Just hope everything goes on well with this initiative. I hope to update my blog atleast once a week, but i beleive there are more to come in this. I am not a person of words, so hence my blogs might reflect that and may be short and i only hope they are sweet.